Qin, H. and Pan, W. (2020) Systemic Energy Use of High-rise Public Residential Buildings and Impact of Energy Saving Measures. Journal of Cleaner Production, In Press. Accepted.
Pan, W. and Pan, M. (2019) Opportunities and Risks of Implementing Zero-Carbon Building Policy for High-rise High-density Cities: Hong Kong Case. Applied Energy, 256, 11383. (download)
Pan, W. and Pan, M. (2018) A dialectical system framework of zero carbon emission building policy for high-rise high-density cities: Perspective from Hong Kong. Journal of Cleaner Production, 205, 1-13. (download)
Liang, X., Pan, W., Jiang, M., Guo, Y., Lyu, J., Li, J. and Chen, X. (2017) Assessing the Value of Commercial Building Low-carbon Retrofit in Edinburgh City in Scotland. Zero Carbon Building Journal, 5, 6-16. Accepted Manuscript In Press.
Pan, W. and Li, K. (2016) Clusters and Exemplars of Buildings towards Zero Carbon. Building and Environment, 104, 92-101.
Chen, L. and Pan, W. (2016) BIM-aided Variable Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making of Low-carbon Building Measures Selection. Sustainable Cities and Society, Accepted Manuscript In Press.
Zhao, X., Pan, W. and Lu, W. (2016) Business model innovation for delivering zero carbon buildings. Sustainable Cities and Society, Accepted Manuscript In Press.
Pan, W., Ng, T. and Lee, J. (2014) Systems research on low or zero carbon building in the high-rise high-density urban setting of Hong Kong. Building Journal, August 2014, 44-47.
Pan, W. (2013) Zero Carbon Buildings: Contexts, Challenges and Strategies. Building Journal, January 2013, 71-73.
Pan, W. (2011) Industry and University partnership delivers design and build excellence. Construction Manager / Contact Magazine, July-August Issue, Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), p.50.
Heffernan, E., Pan, W., Liang, X. and de Wilde, P. (2015) Zero carbon homes: Perceptions from the UK construction industry. Energy Policy, 79 (April), 23-36.
Pan, W. and Li, K. (2015) A Cluster Analysis of ‘Zero Carbon Buildings’. Zero Carbon Building Journal, 1(3), 6-15.
Pan, W. and Ning, Y. (2014) Dialectics of sustainable building: Evidence from empirical studies 1987–2013. Building and Environment, 82, 666-674.
Zhang, S., Pan, W. and Kumaraswamy, M. (2014) A multi-criteria decision framework for the selection of low carbon building measures for office buildings in Hong Kong. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 8 (4), 456-476.
Pan, W. and Ning, Y. (2014) A Socio-technical Framework of Zero Carbon Building Policies. Building Research and Information, Accepted Manuscript, In Press. DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2015.955759.
PAN, W. (2014) System boundaries of zero carbon buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 37, 424-434.
Pan, W. (2014) Delivering Buildings and Infrastructure towards Zero Carbon. ICE Journal Infrastructure Asset Management, 1(3), 60-65.
Pan, W. and Ning, Y. (2014) Delivering Zero Carbon Buildings: The Status Quo and Way Forward. Zero Carbon Building Journal, 1(1), 7-14.
Heffernan, E., Pan, W., Liang, X. and de Wilde, P. (2014) Group self-build housing: the potential to deliver zero carbon homes. In: Jankovic, L. (Ed.) Procs Zero Carbon Buildings Today and in the Future, Birmingham, UK, 11-12 Sept. 2014. pp.181-188.
Sang, X., Pan, W. and Kumaraswamy, M. (2014) Informing Energy-efficient Building Envelope Design Decisions for Hong Kong. 6th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB 2014, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 25-27 June 2014.